The WhatsApp latest feature is called Speech-to-text. It is designed to allow users communicate into their mobile phone's microphone , translating it into text. Although this is not the first existence of speech-to-text as its been in use on virtual assistants like Apple's Siri or Google Assistant, even Amazon Alexa.what's new is that WhatsApp will introduce a new mic icon on the keyboard for easy accessibility. The upgrade will be a godsend to those on the move when it can be tricky to physically type out conversations. Typing is usually slower when there is a lot of information to convey. And this explains why the WhatsApp voice message option is so popular. However many dislike receiving voice messages, as they can be inconvenient to listen to. So WhatsApp has now helpfully provided a speech-to-text feature to transform speech into text and boy's available on both iPhone and Android. To Use WhatsApp Speech-to-text
If you want a punctuation mark simply call it's name e.g for a comma and a question mark, simply say "comma" or "question mark" out loud. It's the same story for adding "full stop" and others. It's always best to dictate your message in a quiet place, to give your microphone the best chance of picking up your words and also know that you need to pronounce your words as clearly as possible. Make sure you go over the converted speech to edit it to your taste before hitting the send key.
Enjoy this New features on WhatsApp.
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